For Democracy

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What We Believe

We believe in the principles of liberty, responsibility, and equal opportunity for all. While we support limited government and a moderate regulatory environment, we believe that government plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety, well-being, and freedom of its citizens.

We advocate for:

  • Affordable education, including community college, vocational training, and online coursework supported by reliable broadband internet
  • Affordable healthcare for all, with continued improvements and cost-cutting initiatives
  • Expanded mental health and addiction recovery services throughout the region
  • Racial justice and reconciliation, with increased diversity reflected in civic leadership, educational institutions, and economic opportunities
  • Stewardship of the land, including measures to address climate change
  • LGBTQ rights and reproductive rights
  • Sensible immigration reform, recognizing the labor needs of farmers and businesses in our area. We support the opportunity for those living in danger to seek lawful asylum, and for families to remain together. We do not support open borders.
  • The 2nd Amendment and responsible gun ownership, with support for common sense gun safety reform that will reduce suicides and accidents as well as acts of gun violence
  • Economic measures that bolster small farms and local businesses, and create better job opportunities for all

Madison County Democratic Committee

P. O. Box 81
Madison, VA 22727-0081