by MCDC | Jun 2, 2015 | 2015 General Election, 2016 General Election, Citizens United, Issues, News
Virginia legislative members of ALEC include David Albo, R, Virginia House of Delegates[28] Kathy Byron, R, Virginia House of Delegates[36] Benjamin Cline, R, Virginia House of Delegates[28] Mark Cole, R, Virginia House of Delegates[36] John A. Cosgrove, Jr., R,...
by MCDC | Mar 23, 2015 | 2016 General Election, Issues, News
Potential Republican presidential candidates are neck-deep in the “money primary,” schlepping from one wealthy watering hole to another, kissing the proper palms, stroking the insatiable egos, and if successful, pocketing commitments and cash. The “ideas primary”...
by MCDC | Mar 22, 2015 | Citizens United, Economy, Income Inequality, Issues
Subsidies considered excessive, unwarranted, wasteful, unfair, inefficient, or bought by lobbying are often called corporate welfare.[1] The label of corporate welfare is often used to decry projects advertised as benefiting the general welfare that spend a...
by MCDC | Mar 6, 2014 | Citizens United, Economy, Education, Employment, Energy, Environment, Ethics, Global Warming, Health Care, Income Inequality, Minimum Wage, Social Security, Video, Voter Rights
Senate majority leader Harry Reid gave a hell of a speech in Congress about the agenda of the billionaire Koch brothers, carbon barons who are the prime beneficiaries of Citizens United, the Supreme Court case that ruled that corporate persons had the free speech...