Category: Virginia (Page 6 of 57)

Jane Dittmar to participate in Rural Madison’s 5th District candidate forum at Woodberry Forest

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MEDIA ADVISORY: Jane Dittmar to Participate in Rural Madison 5th District Candidate Forum at Woodberry Forest

Jane Dittmar will be participating in upcoming 5th District candidate forum hosted by Rural Madison. Candidates Jane Dittmar and Tom Garrett will participate in the forum. WHAT: Rural Madison Inc. 5th District Candidate Forum WHO: Jane Dittmar; Tom Garrett; Rural Madison, Inc.; Woodberry Forest WHERE: Woodberry Forest 898 Woodberry Forest Rd.

John Warner, a Republican Voice of Integrity

Fiona and Parker calling Madison voters at last week's phone bank event.

Fiona & Parker calling Madison voters at last week’s phone bank.


The real question is how anyone immersed in national security could possibly endorse Mr. Trump, whose extravagant ignorance of the issues and disdain for the United States’ allies and commitments are hallmarks of his candidacy.

The idea of installing Mr. Trump as commander in chief has chilled many of the most respected GOP figures in international affairs. They include former secretary of state George P. Shultz, who served almost seven years in the Reagan administration — “God help us,” said Mr. Shultz, on the prospect of Mr. Trump’s victory — and former secretary of state Colin L. Powell, who called Mr. Trump “a national disgrace and an international pariah.”

We need your help to put Hillary Clinton and Jane Dittmar in office! If you can spend an hour making phone calls, knocking on doors, putting up yard signs, serving as a poll-watcher, hosting a meet-and-greet or debate watch party, please email

VOTE NO on Amendment 1 on November 8th

VOTE NO on Article I. Bill of Rights, Section 11-A, the so-called “Right to work” amendment to the Constitution, an attempt to enshrine part of Virginia’s existing right to work law in our state constitution. Amendment 1 is designed by big business (Virginia-style Trumponomics) to silence the voices of hardworking Virginians by eviscerating unions, keeping workers unorganized and unable to fight for better wages, fair scheduling, and safer working environments.

Republicans in the Virginia House are playing at pandering partisan politics with an issue that has shown to be time and again a detriment to people who put in a hard day’s work…. [T]o enshrine a policy like Right to Work in the Constitution, rather in the code of Virginia where it can be debated and modified, is reckless and at high cost to the taxpayers both morally and financially. – Charniele L. Herring, D-46.

We need policies that protect workers, put our families first, and help strengthen our communities.
Vote NO on the "Right to Work amendment"

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