#KeepKenOUT of the Virginia Supreme Court

This afternoon, the Virginia Senate Courts committee put forward Ken Cuccinelli’s name to serve a 12 year term on the Virginia Supreme Court. Yes, THAT Ken Cuccinelli. We’ve got 18 hours to stop this. Can you write your Delegate and Senator now and tell them under no circumstances is Ken Cuccinelli qualified to be a Virginia Supreme Court Justice?

Ken Cuccinelli isn’t just unqualified, he is DISqualified. He has spent his entire career manipulating and misapplying the law to persecute Virginians. Here’s just a few of his “greatest” hits:

  • Bullying the Virginia Board of Health into passing the strictest regulations in the country designed to shut down women’s health centers
  • Persecuting a University of Virginia climate scientist
  • Telling Virginia colleges and universities they couldn’t protect gay, lesbian, and transgender employees from discrimination based on their sexual orientation or gender identity
  • Suing the United States over the Affordable Care Act (and having his suit thrown out)
  • Encouraging Virginians to “go to jail” over access to affordable health care

I could go on and on because Cuccinelli’s list of outrageous crusades against Virginia families never seems to end. Can you imagine what harm he would cause on the state’s highest court?

This nomination is outrageous and unacceptable. Please write your Senator and Delegate now and tell them to #KeepKenOut.

Let’s do this.

Anna Scholl
Executive Director

P.S.: You can also text “NO WAY” to 30644 right now to be connected with your State Senator’s office.