Our message: You shouldn’t have to buy access to your own government. That’s why we’re building a movement big enough to force our leaders to stop answering to special-interest cronies and start answering to the people.


America’s government is bought. Those who can throw campaign fundraisers and hire lobbyists get better treatment from our elected leaders than those who can’t. We refuse to accept that this is how our country should work.

Here are a few things you can do right now to help make that happen:

  • SIGN the petition. Click “Add My Name” to join over 424,000 Americans in support of the American Anti-Corruption Act, a proposal that would overhaul campaign finance, lobbying, and ethics laws.
  • SHARE this page on Facebook, Twitter, Email… everywhere. Help build a movement big enough to hold politicians accountable.
  • LEARN the details of the American Anti-Corruption Act, as well as our plan to get it passed.
  • VOLUNTEER across America. We’re organizing district-by-district because real political power comes from real people on the ground. Click here to join us.

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